It is quite a common scenario to witness some of the most popular or trending portals and websites go through extortionate downtime. This server disturbance is often reasoned to storage issues and elevated traffic. Overloaded user traffic creates the need to migrate websites from the existing server to a reliable and more efficient hosting server.
A typical scenario, however, faced by developers or users who migrate websites to WordPress or even a website to a better server is the downtime. Downtime is nothing but the time for which a site remains out of action or temporarily unavailable. This situation is experienced when a website is going through some modifications. In addition to the website downtime, migration might also lead to the loss of essential data. The data loss is attributed to the fact that most people opt for movement due to insufficient server storage.
One cannot ignore the fact that the movement of a WordPress site is more of a need than a want, at most times. But it is also essential to achieve the process such that negligible to zero downtime is experienced.
Migration can be of many forms. A person can either choose to change the domain name for his original website. This process requires changing the uniform resource locator and hence, is more time-consuming. Another option available to the user is to change the host without modifying the domain name. Unlike the former choice, this process does not allow your website to behave like a newly designed and hosted portal might operate.
The goal of any migration process, be it to migrate Drupal to WordPress, or to switch the domain name of an existing business site, is to execute the objective of migration without affecting the search rankings (could be a result of excessive downtime)
Whenever a person decides to host his website, he considers several factors. These pointers which govern his decision could be the hosting cost, the support, the feedback, or even the uptime. But it is also possible that the person might find a better deal, which caters to his website needs more effectively after he has already bought a host.
To help you understand the migration process better, we have created a list of steps that must be followed by a person who is planning to migrate his WordPress website development with zero downtime. Each of the steps listed is essential and must be executed in the order it is stated.
To maintain the traffic inflow and for extended user satisfaction, a website owner must ensure that the site never goes down. In such a case, he must follow all of the above steps thoroughly. This helps in minimizing inconvenience caused to the people who visit the website while the owner is migrating to a new host.